Artificial Intelligence and Big Data are behemoths on their own. What can you expect when both come together?

Big Data currently is moving on to another stage in its growth cycle – one which will have a greater impact on businesses and cause industry disruption during the next decade.

Big data programs are now maturing worldwide, causing companies to augment big data’s processing features with AI capabilities, allowing the acceleration of delivery of sizeable business value.

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Big Data with a datacenter background

Impact of a Big Data – AI convergence

This convergence is proving to be one of the main achievements, bound to shape how companies will take business-related decisions, based on their analytics and data capabilities.

Thanks to better sources of data providing unprecedented volumes of information, machine learning and AI abilities are now being utilized to the fullest.

These capabilities had been lying dormant all along due to limitations like inadequate ability for processing big data statistics in milliseconds, lack of ample data and inadequate sample sizes.

real time data labeled inside a clock

Digital capabilities now ensure that data processing is done on an always-available, on-line, real time basis, instead of traditional batch processing.

While AI tech has been around for many years now, it is only now that it has access to large enough amounts of data that are adequate for providing meaningful results and learning. Huge data volumes can now be accessed with ready access and agility, enabling a quick evolution of machine learning and AI applications.

While data researchers and statisticians in the past had to work with small datasets, big data enables them to use massive amounts of data with no restrictions. These days, data researchers can analyze complete data modules, with all necessary details, nuance and granularity retained instead of the old days, where data samples had to be used.

Many firms are going for data-first approaches instead of resorting to hypothesis-based approaches. Every piece of data is loaded and analyzed to let it point out the paths to be taken and help data researchers understand it comprehensively.

Analysis of predictive data can be done utilizing big data clusters. These utilize the agility and flexibility of next-gen data management processes.

Big data pioneers have termed their approaches to be on a ‘load & go’ basis. Data discovery is encouraged via iteration, since big data supports such an environment. Due to this, firms can act faster, learn quickly and experiment more often.

To paraphrase, one can say that organizations can now fail quick and learn immediately due to big data technologies.

There are 3 main enablers of AI:

  • Availability of Huge Data Sets: Logistics data, weather data, image and voice files, transcription and ICR – These are all available in multiple formats which weren’t possible before. Even data recorded many years ago using offline methods are now being stored online.
  • Big Data Tech: It is now possible to process large amounts of data with ease. Previously highly expensive software and hardware was required to enable this. This is known as ‘commodity parallelism’.
  • Machine Learning – Algorithms like deep learning and recurrent neural networks have scaled up significantly, powering AI resources forward.

Big data has empowered AI for accelerating disruptive changes. The global proliferation of big data has provided the means for capturing and analyzing massive amounts of information with speed and agility at scaled-up levels. It is currently driving up innovation far beyond conventional analytics and data functions.

The power to make informed decisions that are based on constantly updated information has become a mainstream norm now.

AI and big data coming together has enabled a strong, solid foundation for innovation. While the 1st big data wave had to do with flexibility and speed, the 2nd is bound to be about using machine learning and AI capabilities together for delivering scaled-up, incredible business value to enterprising firms.

Are you ready to enable sustainable business results with the implementation of AI applications? Contact us now for a free consultation.